
Friday, 23 October 2015

Understanding Multiplication

This is my 8 times table and it shows different ways they can come in such as array, t-chart, repeated addition and many more.

Digital Technology

At tech today the years 8s were looking at the basics of a game. We then took our information we knew about them and put it in a goolge document. Im planning to make my platformer game about sports. 

Thursday, 22 October 2015

Even More Terrible Tudors

Title: Even More Terrible Tudors
This book is a graphic novel.

This book takes you back for another look at the Tudor monarchs 
and their suffering servants who failed to get jobs done.

Monday, 12 October 2015


This is my popplet I made based on scams and how they can effect you. They're many scams such as charity scammers, banking scammers and many more.

Goal Setting T4

Term 4 Goals

My goal for reading this term is to pronounce harder words.

To use multiplication and division to solve maths problems.

Add S.P.I.C.E to improve my writing.

My goal is to show my respect more often.

These are my goals for this term.