
Tuesday, 29 July 2014

Why is Facebook a problem?

Why is Facebook a problem?

First of all what is Facebook?
facebook is a social media website where you can talk to many friends and family around the world. You can make a community group, pages or you can even play games and post stuff about what you’re doing to the world.

Facebook is a problem because people can get bullied and people put false information about you. Facebook also causes you viruses because you might click on a scam and it could instantly download.

Facebook has lots of scam that people click on that can put a virus on their computer. Facebook is becoming a problem because they're a lot of under age people.

A virus is program that is designed to harm a computer by deleting data, ruining files, and that can be spread secretly from one computer to another

Facebook is problem because people are starting to swear a lot and people will might copy of what they say. Sometimes it distracts you by doing your chores or homework. People when you get in a fight with someone they can contact you down and they know where you live.
There are even hackers that can hack your Facebook account and write scams . Sometimes some people just bully their own cousins just to make other people laugh and add them.

People are worrying more about Facebook than the world around us.

Thursday, 24 July 2014

Migration Paragraph

In New Zealand we respect everyone. We are tolerant of all cultures.                         
We accept people that migrate.   New Zealand is a multicultural society. New Zealand has a diverse population filled with different cultures. Change is okay as we have learnt to adapt to it. We respect everyone's beliefs and we don't mock each other. We are a growing population in this country and we are teaching others how we live here. People from different cultures come and bring their ideas. In New Zealand we live in harmony.

Monday, 21 July 2014

Holiday Reading - Make a Recommendation


Geronimo Stilton: Help, I’m in hot lava!
The author of this book is Elisabetta Dami.
This book is an adventure book.
I would recommend this book to Halatoa and Ohsmar.